

Thank you for visiting my website. It has taken me over ten years to get the courage to put my art out here on the internet. I appreciate you taking the time to explore my work. I hope you enjoy it!

Many of these pieces are for sale. I also love doing commission pieces and enjoy working with clients to create their perfect piece.

Favorite subjects of mine are the human form, anatomical pieces (often hearts, brains and neurons), nature and nature inspired abstracts.

I am located in the US so keep that in mind for shipping costs.

A little bit about me:

I am a neuroscientist by training and an artist by passion. I live life from both the left and the right sides of my brain. I love bringing my creative side to my scientific career and bringing my scientific side to my artistic career.

I did my PhD training at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and a
Postdoctoral fellowship at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville. My research interests have ranged from basic biology, infectious disease, Alzheimer's disease and translational biomarkers for Breast Cancer therapy.